Well, it has been quite a year. So much has changed since the year before. I've woken up for one thing. It seems like forever since January and weekly visits to a therapist who said I seemed to relaspe when I left therapy. I'm not even sure when mindfulness even began to click, but I think it was that day, probably April when I walked home and decided not to listen to my mp3 player. It was amazing. Everything smelled fresh, birds sang and the world filled me with such joy and peace.
This year I also gained another goal. A moment of transendence. All of my teenage life I have asked for one moment of peace in my mind. And I was given an hour. A whole hour and ten minutes of an empty mind. I was at peace with the entire universe. I knew everything and understood everything in that moment. I said things I can't even begin to remember, but I remember one things I said clearly. I will be there again. It is possible for me to return to that state. Cool!
I've reconnected with old friends, like my good friend Kirstin, and she's helped me more than she knows. And I've met my new friend and mentor Etienne, who has taught me so much about art and philosophy. And of course, I'm so happy to have met my friend Lezley Davidson and read her inspirational auto-comic Peeling Onions (here's a plug for you Lezley: lezleydavidson.com). These three have changed my life so dramatically in the past year, I don't even recognize my old self anymore. And quite frankly, it's so much better.
I've also moved to Toronto! You don't really know it until you do it, but I've been waiting for this for a long time. It is so liberating, the responsibility and the freedom all mixed together. Toronto is my city now. A city of oppurtunity for someone like me. In the background I can hear you guys shaking your heads, with you "he's in for it", but that'll be good too, I promise.
And of course, more importantly, the writing. Six complete short stories. I've written six complete short stories, two half complete, a bunch of concepts and two unfinished novels. Life is good. I hope to get just as much if not more done next year. And better still, I've submitted a short story to a contest! Hooray! More details on that later. But first I want to thank my critics, my editors and of course all of my fans who cheers me on this year. You guys have made all of the difference to me.
Hmm, this article has changed tone a bit, but oh well. This has been a good year and hopeful next year will be as good.
Happy New Year! Peace, blessings, good luck and good fortune to all of you in the coming year!
Eric Rawlinson
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Psycho Duck's Journal: Part 2
Log 2
I've just met my first fairy tale character. At least, I think I have.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
I wrote recently that sometimes, when you least expect it, the most amazing things happen to change your life forever. It is also true that sometimes the most amazing things happen to affirm the things you already know. This Christmas has been a very good time for affirming, confirming and amazing me in so many ways. A few happened Christmas Eve dinner and one happened a few minutes ago watching TV.
During Christmas Eve dinner, one of my hosts brought up orgaization and writing a piece. And she said the best way was to write it as though it were going to the trash, and then make it perfect later. This was the lesson I had taught myself recently and she spoke it, a little more elequently than I would have put it, without any prompting from me before or since she spoke it. It was as if the universe had just spoke to me, to show me that others know what I have already known and it works. It was magical and amazing.
The other affirmation came rather strangely. I've been debating whether or not to take up locksmithing as a prefession. People have been asking me 'why locksmithing'. It's always hard to say because I've seen the signs pointing the way. And now this one is definite. Inside my Christmas cracker was a combination lock. Its not a very good one, in fact it's quite broken even 24 hours later. But it's a lock, given to me at random. Or is it? Maybe something is telling me yet again to pursue that path, whether it wants me to pursue a career in locksmithing or just step in it for a bit. Either way, I shall.
And now the last, just a few hours ago watching the new Doctor Who Christmas Special on Space. Recently I've been very disheartened with movies and TV. So many concepts just feel so unorignial, and though its been my philosophy that originality is rare, I've found that many of them are also very tired and uninteresting. I was beginning to despair that all writers were out of ideas entirely. Then I saw the special and it blew my mind. Not only was it an amazing, touching and heart warming episode, I am hard pressed to think of a better episode of Doctor Who ever. Matt Smith may just have become my favorite Doctor of all time and Steven Moffat has definitely proven to me there are good writers out there and that there is still hope for my craft to be legitimate. So long as we go to Brittan and work there of course. It was so heartwarming and amazing.
So, my mind is set, my path is clear and I have been given hope. Good things are to come for sure. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Peace and Blessings
Eric Rawlinson
During Christmas Eve dinner, one of my hosts brought up orgaization and writing a piece. And she said the best way was to write it as though it were going to the trash, and then make it perfect later. This was the lesson I had taught myself recently and she spoke it, a little more elequently than I would have put it, without any prompting from me before or since she spoke it. It was as if the universe had just spoke to me, to show me that others know what I have already known and it works. It was magical and amazing.
The other affirmation came rather strangely. I've been debating whether or not to take up locksmithing as a prefession. People have been asking me 'why locksmithing'. It's always hard to say because I've seen the signs pointing the way. And now this one is definite. Inside my Christmas cracker was a combination lock. Its not a very good one, in fact it's quite broken even 24 hours later. But it's a lock, given to me at random. Or is it? Maybe something is telling me yet again to pursue that path, whether it wants me to pursue a career in locksmithing or just step in it for a bit. Either way, I shall.
And now the last, just a few hours ago watching the new Doctor Who Christmas Special on Space. Recently I've been very disheartened with movies and TV. So many concepts just feel so unorignial, and though its been my philosophy that originality is rare, I've found that many of them are also very tired and uninteresting. I was beginning to despair that all writers were out of ideas entirely. Then I saw the special and it blew my mind. Not only was it an amazing, touching and heart warming episode, I am hard pressed to think of a better episode of Doctor Who ever. Matt Smith may just have become my favorite Doctor of all time and Steven Moffat has definitely proven to me there are good writers out there and that there is still hope for my craft to be legitimate. So long as we go to Brittan and work there of course. It was so heartwarming and amazing.
So, my mind is set, my path is clear and I have been given hope. Good things are to come for sure. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Peace and Blessings
Eric Rawlinson
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Poem: The Path of Fragile Souls
You're on the path of fragile souls
Where many people walk
They move about in tiny groups
And seldom do they talk
And while they walk, their eyes are down
They do not want attention
For if they do they will attract
The ones we do not mention
The ones who tease
The ones who provoke
Who brake others spirits
Just for a joke
Even inside their little cocoons
The bullies seem seem to get in
They tease, they laugh and in the end
They always seem to end
How can they never consisder
The torment that they seed?
The souls they have shattered
For their selfish need
You may ask how these cocoons
Cannot avoid the bullies wrath
The simple reason is because
They also walk the path
By Eric and Maxine Rawlinson
Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson
Where many people walk
They move about in tiny groups
And seldom do they talk
And while they walk, their eyes are down
They do not want attention
For if they do they will attract
The ones we do not mention
The ones who tease
The ones who provoke
Who brake others spirits
Just for a joke
Even inside their little cocoons
The bullies seem seem to get in
They tease, they laugh and in the end
They always seem to end
How can they never consisder
The torment that they seed?
The souls they have shattered
For their selfish need
You may ask how these cocoons
Cannot avoid the bullies wrath
The simple reason is because
They also walk the path
By Eric and Maxine Rawlinson
Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
New Ideas
I'm at home for the holidays, and I've been coming up with ideas as to what I should be posting on my blog. And I had several ideas I don't want to forget, so what better place than to put them on the blog itself?
So I've written some poems a while ago and recently, so it would be a good idea to share them here. Also I have some short stories I keep telling people about, so might as well put them here. Also, more Psycho Duck logs will be posted as well. I'm not sure if I should post them by log or by story arch, but I will figure that out sooner or later.
Also, I wanted to talk about some of the projects I'm working on. Well, I've started a new short story. I've been getting into the new Dungeons and Dragons starter kit I've bought, so naturally a fantasy short story was born from it. It's a little naughty, but it'll still be fun. Also, I've been inspired to pull up one of my older short stories along the same line as the new one. A naughty sword and sorcery tale. In other none erotic stories, I've been considered yet another abandoned project again, just for the hell of it and because I was inspired by the new TRON movie.
And of course, before the year is through, I should finish up the story I've written for the writing contest and actually submit it. A lot of my friends have read it, or heard me read it, and the feedback is actually pretty positive. My editor is beating my ass over the grammar, but that cannot be helped, it is their job. Overall, I feel pretty good about my chances.
Well, that's all I can think of for now. I will keep in touch.
Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson
So I've written some poems a while ago and recently, so it would be a good idea to share them here. Also I have some short stories I keep telling people about, so might as well put them here. Also, more Psycho Duck logs will be posted as well. I'm not sure if I should post them by log or by story arch, but I will figure that out sooner or later.
Also, I wanted to talk about some of the projects I'm working on. Well, I've started a new short story. I've been getting into the new Dungeons and Dragons starter kit I've bought, so naturally a fantasy short story was born from it. It's a little naughty, but it'll still be fun. Also, I've been inspired to pull up one of my older short stories along the same line as the new one. A naughty sword and sorcery tale. In other none erotic stories, I've been considered yet another abandoned project again, just for the hell of it and because I was inspired by the new TRON movie.
And of course, before the year is through, I should finish up the story I've written for the writing contest and actually submit it. A lot of my friends have read it, or heard me read it, and the feedback is actually pretty positive. My editor is beating my ass over the grammar, but that cannot be helped, it is their job. Overall, I feel pretty good about my chances.
Well, that's all I can think of for now. I will keep in touch.
Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Journal of Psycho Duck, Freelance Chosen One. Part 1
(The Journal of Psycho Duck, Freelance Chosen One is a series of short fictional logs about my character Psycho Duck and his adventures in the land of Fairy Tales. I've often wondered how it would be different if instead of a small child with a heart of gold, the entity calling for a hero in the fairy tale world had pulled in a person like Psycho Duck. The idea grew from there. I've never finished the complete story, but I have completed several archs of the story. Here are a few of them and maybe I shall complete more.
Eric Rawlinson
The Dragon Bard
Eric Rawlinson
The Dragon Bard
Hello! Hello! Testing! My name is Psycho Duck! I am a Fish! Hehehehe. Ah, *clears throat* guess I should make this official.
Log 1
I have decided to keep a journal of my adventures, for a couple of reasons. One, it's one of the cool things my cellphone does now, and I love to screw around with new features. Two, keeping a journal is a good way to ground your thoughts. Or at least write them down in case you forget them.
Hmm, so I guess I should explain what's going on.
Hmm, so I guess I should explain what's going on.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Why I Write
Sometimes I come up with ideas that end up inspiring other ideas. A couple of days ago, I was walking home in the snow, not necessarily thinking about blog writing when I thought it would be interesting to write a blog entry about how I write. And I thought it was a great idea. In many ways, I still do. But as my character says in my latest short story, that's not the right question. And of course, the best question, the hardest question and the most important question is WHY do I write? I may still discuss one day the way that I write, my philosophies and my advice, but for now the meaning and the reasons.
I remember talking to my good friend and mentor Etienne over Facebook chat about this. He and I would have discussions that would last for hours on all subjects relating to art, passion and the meaning of the universe. So basically we will talk about anything and everything. I was having problems with my short story that I've been working on for eight months, and I asked him, sarcastically, why do we do it? Why do we torture ourselves to create something? Why do we break our spirits to try to make something perfect? I don't remember exactly how I said it and I don't remember exactly how we answered it. But knowing my friend, he would have smiled, because these are the questions he lives and breathes for and he would answer with such music to my ears, about inspiration and perspective. We create because we are inspired. Through creation we better understand ourselves and the world around us. We want to communicate our ideas to others.
I'm not sure if that's exactly what he said, but as Etienne would probably say, it was what was inspired to written.
Why do I write? I have written all of my life, whether it be in my head with little adventures for myself, or wax crayon drawings depicting a story or in half a GB worth of documents on my hard drive. And in all of that time, I've rarely asked myself why I do it. I've always done it. I probably always will. But why?
Well, I like it. I like the little stories runnning through my head. I like the challenge of writing it all down on a piece of paper. I even like the problem solving that is editing. I love creating new characters and adding aspects to them until they become almost memories of friends rather than figments of my imagination. And, secretly, I like to tell other people what I think. Okay, maybe not so secretly. I like, or at least strive to, write things to make people think, imagine and dream. Maybe even inspire them. That's the natural flow of inspiration. An idea must touch another's mind.
So why do I write? I am inspired to write. It helps me to understand how my mind works and thinks. And I enjoy reading what I write. And I love it when someone else enjoys what I've written too. The thing I like most about writing is when someone else has read my work and tells me that the story I've worked on for so long is great. It makes me feel so good about myself.
So I'm not sure if I've answered the question. Maybe some day I'll take another crack at it. Who knows.
Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson
The Dragon Bard
I remember talking to my good friend and mentor Etienne over Facebook chat about this. He and I would have discussions that would last for hours on all subjects relating to art, passion and the meaning of the universe. So basically we will talk about anything and everything. I was having problems with my short story that I've been working on for eight months, and I asked him, sarcastically, why do we do it? Why do we torture ourselves to create something? Why do we break our spirits to try to make something perfect? I don't remember exactly how I said it and I don't remember exactly how we answered it. But knowing my friend, he would have smiled, because these are the questions he lives and breathes for and he would answer with such music to my ears, about inspiration and perspective. We create because we are inspired. Through creation we better understand ourselves and the world around us. We want to communicate our ideas to others.
I'm not sure if that's exactly what he said, but as Etienne would probably say, it was what was inspired to written.
Why do I write? I have written all of my life, whether it be in my head with little adventures for myself, or wax crayon drawings depicting a story or in half a GB worth of documents on my hard drive. And in all of that time, I've rarely asked myself why I do it. I've always done it. I probably always will. But why?
Well, I like it. I like the little stories runnning through my head. I like the challenge of writing it all down on a piece of paper. I even like the problem solving that is editing. I love creating new characters and adding aspects to them until they become almost memories of friends rather than figments of my imagination. And, secretly, I like to tell other people what I think. Okay, maybe not so secretly. I like, or at least strive to, write things to make people think, imagine and dream. Maybe even inspire them. That's the natural flow of inspiration. An idea must touch another's mind.
So why do I write? I am inspired to write. It helps me to understand how my mind works and thinks. And I enjoy reading what I write. And I love it when someone else enjoys what I've written too. The thing I like most about writing is when someone else has read my work and tells me that the story I've worked on for so long is great. It makes me feel so good about myself.
So I'm not sure if I've answered the question. Maybe some day I'll take another crack at it. Who knows.
Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson
The Dragon Bard
Friday, December 17, 2010
Rating system
Greetings everyone! One of the things I would like to do with this blog is reviews. I've already written many reviews in the past, albeit in my head, but I want to start writing some of them down and share some of them with my followers. It also helps to write down your thoughts so they're not always bouncing around in your head, like this this little rant right now. I cannot tell you how many times I have thought about writing this explanation before, but now that I've written it down, I am certain I will not think about it as often.
To start, like most reviewers, I have a rating system. My system is a 5 star system. I use this for things like books, movies, plays and restaurants. Well, to a lesser extent restaurants and more books and movies. And I wanted to explain how my system work in my head and I think the best way is to go over what I mean when I give something 4 stars as opposed to 3 or 5. So without further ramblings, let's begin.
To start, like most reviewers, I have a rating system. My system is a 5 star system. I use this for things like books, movies, plays and restaurants. Well, to a lesser extent restaurants and more books and movies. And I wanted to explain how my system work in my head and I think the best way is to go over what I mean when I give something 4 stars as opposed to 3 or 5. So without further ramblings, let's begin.
Gather round, come one and all, come hear the songs I sing
For I am the Dragon Bard and many a tale I bring
Hello. My name is Eric Rawlinson and this is my Dragon Bard blog. My friend said if I had a website he would go to it, so I thought, why don't I have a website? It would be a very good idea. So here's my first blog, or at least first blog in a long time. So where do I begin?
Well, I am a writer, a sculptor and a poet too
And I wish to share it all with you!
So I have a lot of ideas and opinions, plus a lot of short stories that people said they would like to see. So I could put all my work here for anyone and everyone to enjoy. I'll be posting my short stories, my running stories, sculptures, movie reviews and generally my musings about life, the universe and everything here. I'm hoping something good will come of it.
Peace and blessings and good luck!
Eric Rawlinson
The Dragon Bard
December 17, 2010
For I am the Dragon Bard and many a tale I bring
Hello. My name is Eric Rawlinson and this is my Dragon Bard blog. My friend said if I had a website he would go to it, so I thought, why don't I have a website? It would be a very good idea. So here's my first blog, or at least first blog in a long time. So where do I begin?
Well, I am a writer, a sculptor and a poet too
And I wish to share it all with you!
So I have a lot of ideas and opinions, plus a lot of short stories that people said they would like to see. So I could put all my work here for anyone and everyone to enjoy. I'll be posting my short stories, my running stories, sculptures, movie reviews and generally my musings about life, the universe and everything here. I'm hoping something good will come of it.
Peace and blessings and good luck!
Eric Rawlinson
The Dragon Bard
December 17, 2010
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