Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Reflections

Well, it has been quite a year. So much has changed since the year before. I've woken up for one thing. It seems like forever since January and weekly visits to a therapist who said I seemed to relaspe when I left therapy. I'm not even sure when mindfulness even began to click, but I think it was that day, probably April when I walked home and decided not to listen to my mp3 player. It was amazing. Everything smelled fresh, birds sang and the world filled me with such joy and peace.

This year I also gained another goal. A moment of transendence. All of my teenage life I have asked for one moment of peace in my mind. And I was given an hour. A whole hour and ten minutes of an empty mind. I was at peace with the entire universe. I knew everything and understood everything in that moment. I said things I can't even begin to remember, but I remember one things I said clearly. I will be there again. It is possible for me to return to that state. Cool!

I've reconnected with old friends, like my good friend Kirstin, and she's helped me more than she knows. And I've met my new friend and mentor Etienne, who has taught me so much about art and philosophy. And of course, I'm so happy to have met my friend Lezley Davidson and read her inspirational auto-comic Peeling Onions (here's a plug for you Lezley: These three have changed my life so dramatically in the past year, I don't even recognize my old self anymore. And quite frankly, it's so much better.

I've also moved to Toronto! You don't really know it until you do it, but I've been waiting for this for a long time. It is so liberating, the responsibility and the freedom all mixed together. Toronto is my city now. A city of oppurtunity for someone like me. In the background I can hear you guys shaking your heads, with you "he's in for it", but that'll be good too, I promise.

And of course, more importantly, the writing. Six complete short stories. I've written six complete short stories, two half complete, a bunch of concepts and two unfinished novels. Life is good. I hope to get just as much if not more done next year. And better still, I've submitted a short story to a contest! Hooray! More details on that later. But first I want to thank my critics, my editors and of course all of my fans who cheers me on this year. You guys have made all of the difference to me.

Hmm, this article has changed tone a bit, but oh well. This has been a good year and hopeful next year will be as good.

Happy New Year! Peace, blessings, good luck and good fortune to all of you in the coming year!

Eric Rawlinson


  1. :) I'm so glad to see you happy. I see you so full of potential and you're reaching it! In 2011 we need to hang. PS. I got your package and I love it. I watched Dr. Who the same night and only turned it off when it was keeping me awake. :P
