Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Writing Heroes: George Burns

Since we share a birthday, I think it's only appropriate that our next candidate for my writing heroes be one of my heroes in more than just his writing. I want to talk about, and mostly praise, the late George Burns, who, if alive today, would still be in show business and probably have his own YouTube channel.

Unlike Robert Munch, I can claim to know George Burns fairly well. Mainly cause I've read so many of his biographies and memoirs, but also because I've heard many of his radio broadcasts, seen a couple of episodes and seen a few of his films. He is a wonderful performer, but he is also a wonderful writer who's books I enjoy and would recommend to anyone who is interested in show business or just listening to a good story in general.

George Burns was a performer in almost every medium. He performed in vaudeville, radio, film and television. He

But what I wanted to talk about was his books. George Burns wrote several books. "Not bad for someone who's only read three" as he would say and puff his cigar. I've read many autobiographies over the years and I've seen them pulled off in many ways. Some people talk as though their just telling you the story. Groucho Marx wrote his as though he were performing. The way that George Burns writes feels like he's telling the story from the heart. Reading the book made me feel like I was right there, listening to him telling his old stories.

My personal favorite is Gracie: A Love Story. It's the story about the love of his life, Gracie Allen, his wife and partner for many, many years. He talked about their career together, their life together, the family and friends they shared and all of the good times. What I loved was that I could feel everything. The excitement he felt when he first met her, the rush of falling in love with her, the struggle in their careers and, overall, I felt in my heart just how lucky he must have felt his entire life to have known that wonderful woman.

Not sure what else to say. Happy Birthday George. Here's to your inspiration and may it last me and many others all of our days.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

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