It's been a week since I've posted in this blog and a lot has happened. Not much of it has been writing related. Chapter 6 of Grandma Hannah continues to kick my ass, no matter what way I look at it. I'm considering just cutting it out altogether and extending certain scenes in chapter 7 to compensate for it. I'm not sure what I'm trying to do with it, but I know it has to be important. We shall see.
A Glimpse through the Curtains has been going well, except a few people never got back to me. That's disheartening to say the least, but the feedback that I have received has been very useful. I'm thinking about how to use it and I might take a page out of my sister's boyfriend's book and make these stories into panphlets. It's cheaper than making a book and maybe I can squeeze in a few more illustrations from my friends. That still leaves the question of where I should sell it and who my audience is. I'm thinking my audience might be artists. They've seemed to be enjoying them the most without a lot of raised eyebrows. That too, we shall see.
I've been experimenting with ways to get myself motivated into writing. I bought a printer and a three hole punch. Now I'm left with paper flying everywhere and random binders making their way back and forth between my bed and my desk, depending on which one I'm using at the time. I also need to clean my room, but that's another story.
Trying to beat a bout of depression that's been hitting me hard and repeatedly while writing can be difficult, but I can't cripple under my depression with so much work needing to be done. This week, I'm looking into some volunteer oppurtunities that might include cheaper and healthier food. Fingers crossed. Hopefully it will include some experience, I'd love to look for a job. Self publishing and trips to Ottawa don't pay for themselves.
Hopefully the blog will be a little steadier now. I'll try to force myself to do my best. I'll keep you guys posted.
Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson
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