I have exciting, earth changing news. Well, exciting news! Okay, news! My very good friend, teacher and soul brother, Etienne Buxton, aka Alien man and I have started a series of projects together. Me and Etienne have wanted to work together for some time and was waiting for the perfect project to collaborate on. In fact, we waited for so long, there came not one, but three projects. So what could we do besides work on them together?
I of course, am really excited at the idea of working with another artist. The first project is one that we've been discussing for some time. Literally. I have been collecting, with Etienne's permission, most of our conversations off of Facebook messenger and he plans to take some of the better times and illustrate them. Sounds strange, but I think it would be very interesting. Also, he will be illustrating my second graphic piece, a sort of spiritual successor to one of the Glimpse through the Curtains short stories Believer called Epilogue. I still haven't finished the story completely, which is bad considering he's started to paint... but I think it will work out.
Also, I've started to write stories based directly on Etienne's own stories, art philosophy and style, with his permission, and giving to him to do as he sees fit.
For more about Etienne Buxton, the man, the Doc and the Alien Man, visit his website at www.etiennebuxton.com. He's an illustrator and always looking for employment and oppurtunity to use his impressive skill and spread his love for his craft.
As for me, I have to finish Epilogue before Etienne catches up and remember not to close the browser before I copy the convo. Catch you guys soon!
Speaking of websites, I've started a new YouTube channel. The user name is TheDragonBard. Right at the moment, I'm just talking about going to visit my girlfriend, but that'll change quickly, I promise. Maybe.
Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson
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