Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mr. Gravedigger's Apprentice: The First Five Chapters

At the beginning of the year, I claimed it wasn't the right time to start a book. Now here I am, five months later, starting off my second book this year and I must say I'm pleased as punch. And now its time to reflect a little on how well it has been going.

So, I've just finished the fifth chapter of working title Gravekeeper. If you want to get technical, I've written six chapters so far including the prologue. Each chapter averages somewhere between 2500 and 3000 words each, and if I were to write another chapter, I would have outdone my first book entirely by word count alone, and I am no where close to finishing the second book. I think the reason for this is because I'm more in my element with Gravekeeper than I was with Grandma Hannah. Where Grandma Hannah is a good story, it wasn't my style in any sense. It was first person, present tense, coming of age story. Where as Gravekeeper is a third person, past tense (with the exception of the prologue, which is present tense for effect), sci-fi master/apprentice story. I wouldn't say I'm enjoying writing Gravekeeper more than Grandma Hannah. Its just... hmm, maybe that is what I'm saying.

Overall, the story is going remarkably well. There are a few hiccup with tone, but I'm trying my best to just get the story complete. Editing something longer than anything I've ever written before if going to be an experience, but something I look forward to. Also, I must be extra careful. Yesterday I almost forgot to introduce (or reintroduce) an important character who will be needed to the third act of the story. That is what rewrites are for, but it is best to have these important aspects in the first draft.

Also, now that I have a blackberry, I have a little bit more freedom with where and when I can write. The keyboard is a little small for me to type on as quickly as a regular keyboard, but at least I can email myself small important notes as I think them up. Also, I can save my files on my blackberry and jack into computers to work from there. Just need to remember to back them up onto my harddrive sometimes.

Anyway, I think that's enough for now. I'm looking for things to post to my blog in order to keep interest. My interest more than others. I'm sure I'll find something, maybe some old work or random poetry I come upon or write. We shall soon see.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

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