Friday, February 25, 2011

The Next Couple of Months

So, looking back on my goals as a writer list, I was short sighted. The thing I said I wasn't going to be able to do this year has been done. So much for foresight. Now I have a book, or at least the first draft of the book, written. Now its time to plan out how I'm going to spend the rest of the year.

I have a couple of plans that I want to do, but some of them cost money. Quite a bit of money. I want to publish my anthology into a book and possibly sell it. And I also want to do a bit of traveling. So I think what I need to do is get a part time job. Social assitance allows me to survive with food and shelter, but doesn't give me much extra.

Whether I like it or not, I'm going to need a new computer soon. This one is dying on me as it is and makes lovely noises. I'm thinking about getting a netbook or something small that I can just put on my desk and use for writing and maybe a few videos once and awhile. My computer game playing days are slowly going away, and with something like a notebook they might disappear altogether. I need a computer to write though. Writing by hand takes to long for me and I would never have written Grandma Hannah on paper.

Self publishing takes a bit of money as well, but I want to try it out for my short story collection. I've been looking at some printing places and it can be a little steep. But if I plan on selling them, I might make some of the money back. Its having the money first that might be a problem. So yet. job it might have to be. Starting to suffer for my art. Well, at least it will be an experience.

Keep you guys updated.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Grandma Hannah, Fool Hannah: First Draft

Seven months ago, almost to the day, I began working on a short story called Caught in the Rain. It was a small modern fantasy tale about a young woman who has a tryst with two forest spirits after being betrayed by the man she loves. I've yet to complete the story, but it was my hope that it would become one of the Glimpse through the Curtains short stories. Then, on a whim, I started another short story. It was about the same woman, but years afterward, on her death bed, speaking to her granddaughter. What she told her granddaughter would begin the woman's own glimpse through the curtains. Then I thought to myself, hey, I could make this into a book. And that's exactly what I did.

I'm pleased and excited to announce that I have completed the first draft of my first book. Its working title is 'Grandma Hannah, Fool Hannah'. Its just under 20,000 words and currently it riddled with grammatical errors and plot holes you could drive a truck through. But it's a start. And I thought Forgiveness was good work for under six months from conception to first draft.

I can't say how proud I am for being able to do this. With this book, I've realized that I have the determination and the patience to undertake a book. I've written a book! The work has only begun, but the beginning is always important.

Thank you to my fans and my friends who cheered me on these last few weeks. Thank you so much.

I'm going to attempt to do a couple of drafts by myself before I start looking for editors, but I will certainly let you all know when I'm ready. And hopefully, it will be soon. As always, I'll keep you guys posted.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chapter 13 and 14: That was satisfying

Sometimes you got to power through it to just get it out of your head. Just under 2000 words between the two of them, these two chapters are either going to become one chapter or much longer. My money is on much longer. As with a lot of the chapters, I've practically wrote down the barebones of what I want to do, along with some of the dialogue and tone I want to go for. But for now, so glad that I don't have to obsess with those scenes anymore.

I'm wondering how lazy I should be and if I should just write the last three chapters and be done with the first draft. Wondering over, it is what I'm going to do. I had plans for another chapter, but I surprisingly covered much of what I wanted to do with that chapter already and I don't think I want to draw out the story any longer than I have to, especially at this point in the writing. If more emphasis is needed, then I might add the other chapter. If not... well, I have a headache, so we'll end the thoughts as it is.

So yeah, three more chapters. Not really looking forward to one, wrote the last one pretty much in my head, and the next one I have a shit load of notes, plus I added some more fire to my main characters anger that should display quite well in an upcoming confrontation. This should be cool.

Anyway, one of those chapters is half written as it is now. I'll keep you guys posted.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Monday, February 21, 2011

Chapter 11 and 12: I'm sick

I've missed a day of writing. I took a break to go home and spend some time with family, especially my lovely sister who I love and miss so much.

I seriously don't know what's up with keyboards today. Is it something that's happened within the last three years since I bought my computer, because I can't find any keyboard recently that I've enjoyed working with as much as my own. I know it's a matter of getting used to the set up, how far apart the keys are, but I generally dislike using other people's keyboards. The flow isn't the same. With other keyboards I have to constantly look down to see why I'm hitting the caps lock or whatever new key they've designed to put in my way. I guess it can't be helped. My computer continually makes such lovely noises that makes me wonder just how much longer she is going to live. I think my next computer is going to me a small laptop, one that's going to be devoted to my writing. That way I can get used to its keyboard and not have to worry about putting my work onto others and fight with theirs.

Okay, angry rant over. I'm frightened that I'm losing the flow that I've gained over the week. I'm feeling sick and congested, I'm can't seem to find the right temperature to be at and I ache all over. I'm pretty sure I'm going to wake up to discover I have a cold. Yay, this is lovely, I'm being a complete baby. This isn't what I wanted when I said I want to suffer for my art. In fact, I didn't say I want to suffer for my art. Poopy. Blarge.

So, chapter 11 and 12. Chapter 11 is the shortest on record so far, just over 800 words. It's a mental breakdown scene and honestly I feel I should do more with it. So I will. Later. Chapter 12 is more of a reflective scene and I'll have to meditate on it. Generally, I feel it's missing something, a certain spark or realization. Unfortunately, if I move on from this, complete the book and come back to figure out the revelation is something completely different, I'm going to have to do major rewrites throughout the ending. Wait, at this point that could happen even in the first chapter.... why did I want to to be a writer again? Oh, that's right. I love it!

Seriously, if I could figure out how to get paid to do this and live comfortably, I would jump on this career in an instant. I really like writing. I like the flow and I like the feeling when you get a good story going. Of course, whenever I go out and have fun in the middle of writing, I'm probably going to bitch about how my flow has been severed, but that'll be temporary. I say that every time I stop to play Mass Effect for a couple of hours. Even doing that I was still able to write 12 chapters of this book in ten days. I'm pretty sure I'm just going to get up tomorrow and write the rest of chapter 13, a page done by the way, and then play more Mass Effect and then write chapter 14. And then 15, 16 and how many other chapters this book might have. Thinking about it now... probably this book is going to have about 15 to 18 chapters. So I might have a first draft by end of the week.

Anyway, congratulations if you read through all of my rant. I love you all! Update you soon.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chapter 10: The Fool Becomes The Wizard

Allusion to the story, see what I did there? Sometimes its a good idea to get away from the computer and write down ideas on a piece of paper. Even if it is concepts for a later chapter. I've pretty much solidified the final chapter in my mind, but I'm still a little ways off. Chapter 11 is still pretty much as much of a mystery to me as Chapter 10 has been, and I'm looking forward to it, but first a break.

Yeah, I have a huge headache, so I'm going to stop this update for now. I'll report more when Chapter 11 is finished.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Chapter 9: Take a Break

Well, that was mostly painless. Its remarkable what pizza, taking my pills and a good night's sleep can accomplish.

Well, Chapter 9's first draft is finished, slightly larger than most but no where close to being the length of Chapter 7. Speaking about length, I've calculated that, being roughly an average of 1200 words a chapter, I'm just over my 10,000 word mark in my book. And, I'm guessing I'm two thirds of the way done in my book. Not exactly a NaNoWriMo candidate, but it is my book and it will run its own course. Besides, editing will add to it more than it will subtract as I rewrite and everything.

Also, I've been planning out my next book. Last night, while falling asleep, I've been writing up a working plot outline, trying to remember where I put my notes and figuring out some more dialogue for yet another book. It's probably a bad idea to be thinking about the next book before you finish the one you're working on, but if this continues, I might have two books first drafts by the summer. Of course, there are other things I want to do with my time, such as finish A Glimpse Through the Curtains and publish it into a book. But for now, I want to finish this book I'm currently working on.

Chapter 10 I have a couple of ideas for, but like Kirstin said, just write it. The story is up here somewhere, I just need to get it down somehow. I'm looking forward to some of the scenes that are coming up. At least those I have a plan for.

Anyway, I should get back to it. Thank you everyone and I'll keep you updated.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Friday, February 18, 2011

Chapter 8: A Possible Wall

You know, I'm just setting myself up when I say 'Oh this part of the book is going to be easier to write than this part'. Chapter 8 was (I guess still is) a definite trial of my patience. A good story is like a puzzle. It has parts, which separately can be good on their own are made better when they're fuzzed together. A good first draft is like when you get all the edge pieces and put them together and see where you can work. Hmm, maybe that's not a good analogy. A good first draft is one that's written. Yeah that's better.

The one thing I can't stand is when I read a biography of a writer where everyone says, "Oh yes, they just wrote the story down and it was published with very little to no revision." This is something that's often said about Shakespeare and Rex Stout. Even if this were true, which I suspect it is, I still hate hearing it. I've never written anything, other than possibly some poetry, that has been amazing on its first draft. Sure, good, great and needs improvement to be awesome, but I never fool myself. The real work begins once the first draft is finished. A Good Thing, 12 page short story, took 3 years to finish from concept to finished product. Truthfully, if I had worked solidly on the story, it would have been done in maybe four or six days, but truthfully A Good Thing needed that 3 years to become what it was. It grew with my experience and my understanding and it will continue to help me grow in my style and how I see myself as a writer. And that's what I'm hoping this book will help me accomplish as well. Sure I want to write a story, sure I want to tell a story, sure I want to publish it and make millions. But I know in my heart that the reason I'm writing this story is to prove that I can write a book. That I can write a story from beginning to end that will make people laugh, cry and think. That is my goal. And that is why I write.

So now, despite my conflicted feelings about Chapter 8, I'm going to write a Chapter 9 without any real plan as to where it's going. I've discovered that I don't have a Chapter 9 or a Chapter 10. Short sighted, yes, but if start writing down ideas with the opening, I might get somewhere. A whole chapter of reflection and TV watching... Hey, that might be a good idea!

Anyway, time to get a pizza or something to eat then back to work. Keep you posted.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

P.S. Thank you Kirstin for your advice. It just helped write two chapters!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chapter 7: Holy Crap!

I appear to have a pacing issue, seeing as Chapter 7's first draft is bigger than the first three chapters combined! Oh well, nothing to really worry about. I expected that parts of this book would be easier to write than others and Chapter 7 and maybe 8 are probably going to be the easiest to write. As I go on to later chapters, I find I'm getting the hang of writing as well, and everything doesn't feel so forced, unless I feel bored with a certain section, then it feels nothing but forced.

There are a lot of reasons besides that that allow Chapter 7 to be so long. One of them is that this chapter is where I introduce the twist in the story. Not really a surprise twist, but a twist for the main character. It's also the part of the book I have the most notes for. Seeing as it is one of the most important parts of the book, this isn't a surprise either. Also, this chapter might even become longer thanks to a little device I'm using. The main character is going to be reading a book and sections of the book are going to be present in the text. The book that the main character reads is in fact parts of a book that I was going to write but lost interest in it. Recycling old material is great!

Okay, I'm cheating, but its a good cheat and it works well for the book itself. Besides, if this book gets popular I could finish that book and publish it as well, right? Sigh... You're right.

Chapter 8 is going to be easy as well I think, but for a completely different reason. Chapter 8 is the one I've conceptualize most recently. It's actually a fairly new addition and I'm literally wondering why I never thought of doing this before. It just makes so much sense. It emphasizes what happens in Chapter 7 and maybe even a little bit in chapter 2, and I want the character to break herself. Oops, I revealed something of the book. The main character is a female woman. Roberts rules of writing state that you shouldn't reveal to much of your book, cause the more you talk about it, the less likely you'll write it. At this point, I don't have to much to worry about. About five or six of my closest friends know the plot, most of you being my followers, and one of you has a couple of chapters. But not to jinx it at this point, I'll try to be mysterious as possible. I get a kick out of it...

Anyway, chapter 8 will probably be written tomorrow or later tonight, depending on how I feel. Right now, I'm hungry. So, until later.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Chapter 6: Ugh...

I've been trying to write chapter 6 and it has just been a complete disaster. Well, not complete, but you know what I mean. I've decided to do something that I said I wouldn't do but I'll have to do it for the sake of my own sanity. I've decided to skip writing chapter 6 and move on to chapter 7. Chapter 7 is practically written in my head and I think the flow will be much smoother, especially with my moods as it is.

It's sad really. As I was saying to a friend last night, Chapter 6 contains a scene that is one of the foundations of the whole book, one of the concepts that actually created the story now and now it's not coming out right. Its funny how the story can evolve away from it original intentions and take meaning you could never even imagine before writing it. It truly is a journey. A journey I want to skip chapter 6 of, but a journey nonetheless.

Of course, as soon as I start writing chapter 7, I start validating some of the things I hate in chapter 6, which means I have to work with what I have more than I hoped. Go figure. Talk more about that when chapter 7 is finished.

Until then.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chapter 5: Overcoming the block

So, to start off, I had this really cool idea that seems to be working well. I've been trying hard not to go back to the earlier chapters and work on them while I'm on this, let's face it, impressive stream of writing, moving forward, not backwards. But what if I come up with an idea for an earlier chapter? How do I do that without editing and reworking. Simple. Make a notes page for individual chapters and write down notes in those files as things come to me. That way, I can even move notes from my other note files into where I want them to be specifically in the story without having to sift through a lot of notes looking for something awesome I've written earlier. I'm such a genius.

Now that I'm done being nervous, had a bit of a block today while writing the fifth chapter, but I'm over it now. It gets hard to write when depressed, and I think one of the things I should seriously do is stop calling the book crap. Even if it is and just call it what it really is. A start. This is the beginning of a journey for me as much as it is a journey for my characters. We're both experiencing this journey together. And we shall get to the end better for having traveled it.

Chapter 6? I hope to get that done soon. And I'm sure I can talk more, but I don't want to ramble to long. I just want to shout out to my friend Etienne who's helped a lot with his friendship and encouragement. Thanks bro. And for the rest of you, thanks for your support as well. Hopefully this book will be done soon...ish and I will be able to share it with all of you.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chapter 4: Loose

Remember when I said that I've passed writing the hardest part. Well, I was wrong. Very wrong. In fact, I can only see this book getting harder to write from here on out. Welcome to the point where what I've written, what I'm writing and my six months worth of notes crash into a heap and I have to sift through the wreckage.

Okay, so it's not as bad as it sounds. I'm still able to write my story but already I'm having continuity issues. I'm promising myself that I'm not going to go back until I've finished at least a working draft of this book from beginning to end. I have to do this or I'll never stay sane enough to finish. But changes have to be allowed, even on a moment's notice so that the story can make more sense to write. I learned a while ago that sometimes the smallest problems can halt your project and they have to be altered in order for you to continue.

I'm not happy with Chapter 4. Not at all. It's very very loose. But as I've been saying, frame work. It's all that this book is going to end up being by the end of the first draft. Literally a page of this chapter is nothing but dialogue with no connection between them. No he said she said they said. Just "I like dogs" "Why do you like dogs" "I don't know, let me ask my manager". No, that's not dialogue from the book, just an example. But it's that sort of thing.

Chapter five I'm looking forward to a little bit more, since I have that scene almost completely written, at least planned out in notes and in my brain. That I don't have to much of a problem with. Chapter 6 is not so planned, but at least nothing too too darasticly mind blowing is going to happen. For the life of me, I have no godly idea what's going to happen in chapter 7, but I have a theory. Chapter 8 and beyond, I'm playing by ear. I know I have some notes on what might happen, okay will happen, I just need to figure out the glue.

So overall, it's stressful, and I'm not happy, but I am very excited about this whole project. I'll keep you guys posted after each chapter I write like this, talking about my struggles and my thoughts. Hopefully a new update will be soon.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chapter 2 and 3: I'm in the zone

So last night and this morning, I powered through Chapter 2 and 3 of my book. And in the end, I have two made for the dumpster chapters. This is excellent. I should probably stop using garbage metaphors, since it might be discouraging. What's better? Frame work? Armatures. Got to make a skeleton before you can attach the muscle.

Mostly the story consists of the dialogue and some random thoughts of the main character as she speaks in first person. This was how I wanted the story to be told and now, I'm not so sure. It has it's limitations, mainly making the story disjointed and at this point incredibly short. But it does make for a good first draft and motivation to actually write this fucker-I mean masterpiece. I've been working on it for about six months and in two days I finally get the third chapter done and out of the way.

This is one of the hardest parts, mainly cause the first three chapters are the part of the story I didn't even have concepts for. I had random lines of dialogue and strangely conflicting notes, which are always discouraging. But now, I'm just going to have conflicting chapters! *cries* Overall, I'm proud of my accomplishments. I've got and outline, I've written three chapters and I'm about to start chapter 4, if I don't go to work on A Glimpse through the Curtains edits.

Anyway, that's my thoughts so far. I'll keep you guys you guys up to date with progress.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chapter 1: Discouragment

So, I've finished the a very very rough first chapter of my book. Not much sustenance on it at all, mostly dialogue which is how I roll to begin with. But I look at this as an accomplishment. Now I have a wired frame for the rest of the story, a head if you will. It needs work, but that is to be expected. Write for the trash, my mentor said. It doesn't matter what your first draft looks like, eighty percent of it will not exist when the final comes. It's true. I've been looking over the early drafts of Song for a Muse recently and I've found myself looking at a stranger. It was weird.

But the book is coming along slowly and hopefully I'll be able to write more once the headache goes away. I'll keep you guys updated.

Best wishes. Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Thursday, February 10, 2011

In The Air Tonight

I sit at my desk, breathing in the energy of a lonely evening. I've accomplished so much today, yet I see the path grow longer still. I listen to the music that tears at my soul as it has so many times before and to the new ones that threaten to do the same for all eternity.

Can we pretend that the airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? Cause I can use a wish right now. It's crawling through my skin, this feeling in the air tonight.

The blinking cursor hangs just above the body of the screen. Page 2/3. A job well done. A skeleton of a story with its organs strewn across the floor. It's missing some of its parts, they're in my head and my heart. And hopefully in my future. Relax, it's a metaphor.

It's night and soon I shall be in bed. But for now, I'm writing a blog, with a smile on my face and youtube in another tab, playing the random music that I've selected. I bounce to its beat and randomly write whatever pops in my head. God that bumble bee is big, I wonder what it's number is? See what I mean? It's a good day.

Why am I like this? I promised I wouldn't do anything like this. I would not go on tangents and pour my soul onto a page to let everyone see. Well right now, fuck it. Besides, I'm enjoying this.

Anyway, to make a little bit of sense, I've been writing and editing. Trying to get a little something done quickly. I feel if I get it done quickly, it'll be done and I can get it out of the way. I still have a half finished plot outline, but I could fill it in a little bit more with some of the concept dialogue that I've been doing. I'm also writing the first chapter so I can get the main character's voice in. I'm trying something I've never really tried before; first person, present tense. I'm trying to make it as loose as possible like stream of conscious sort of thing. I'm doing this for a couple of reasons. I want to show the character's development as gradual and subtle and because I'm lazy and I just want to write down the thoughts as quickly as possible :P.

But overall, I'm kind of optimistic with this project. We shall see how it goes. Thank you for putting up with this loose blog post, but I felt inspired.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Plot Outline

I think it's time for a novel, or to at least seriously pursue the novel. And now that I have an idea as to how I want to do it, I think its time to stop beating around the bush and find out if this is the right way to go about it.

So the way that I usually write is to create a series of notes, store them in separate files under the working titles name, number it and forget it. Like my novel My Red Eyed Girl, my notes are under files called 'Red Eyed Girl Concepts 001' and so on. Usually this doesn't help and I have list upon list of concept pages for all kinds of novels, most of which I'll never get around to, at least in the foreseeable future. So I'm going to approach the new novel a little differently with a plot outline.

A friend of mine suggested it last night, though a little indirectly. She asked me if I wrote everything down before hand and worked from there or let it flow. I guess I sort of wrote down when I was inspired but never actually got the chance to get around to putting the inspirations together. So I thought hey, why not make a rough draft about a page long summarizing everything that I want to happen in the book first and then write it out. That way I could write the individual scenes, which is basically what the book is, little interconnecting themes, then put them all together, then edit them out for tone and flow later. Then I'd have the book I desperately want to write. So simple, why didn't I think about it before?

So that's what I'm doing and already I can see where my troubles with this book is. While I've thought about it a lot, it isn't finished. I don't have enough scenes or character development yet to connect the rising action to the climax and as is, my character's development is incomplete. But I'll work on that. If I can have this concept page done, I'll feel like I've accomplished much.

I'll give you updates as to how this is working out for me as I go along, but so far this has helped out a lot and I recommend it to anyone who wants to write their book. But for now, I'm off to write. Talk to you soon.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Monday, February 7, 2011


So I've been passing around my short stories to some people who said they were interested and slowly I've been getting feedback. It has been very exciting to see what others might think of my work. And for the most part, the feedback/editing process has been going well and all of the feedback has been very positive. Strangely though, I find that the overall themes of the stories urks people.

I guess that's the point, seeing as at the base of it that's what I was trying to do. I'm trying to show a situation where an ordinary person experience an extra-ordinary event and how it can affect them. And also, I've been showing how a person can reject the opportunities those events can give. I'm trying to break the trend of hero novels so I might be stepping on metaphorical toes as to how we expect a story to progress. Still, it's still a bit of a surprise. I've actually had people argue with me about how my characters should act. And argue with me they should I say because on the most part, I agree with them. My characters are closed minded, are cowards, are mindless and will react accordingly.

I remember the first time I explained one of my story ideas with someone. It was with my cousin, and I told her about a story with a man and a vampire. The man asks a vampire to kill him because he is sick of life. The vampire agrees, but only if the human performs a task for her. Through the task, the human realizes that life is worth living and that he doesn't want to die. And just as the vampire goes to kill, he wakes up. He's not dead, but it was not a dream as the vampire left him a token of her appreciation. My cousin was like, but that's not fair. He should have been made a vampire and try to fight for his humanity. It was quite the experience and one that has been repeated often since with many other critics of mine. The story shouldn't stop their. The characters should fight, they should continue, they should do this, they should do that, they shouldn't ignore what happened. They shouldn't misinterpret the lesson. They should behave like a proper hero.

And what do I say? Yes. They should. But they don't. What do you think about that? How does that make you feel?

Hopefully I'll get more feedback and maybe get an idea about who my greater audience shall be. Until then, this is exciting.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What a week

I know I want this blog to be about writing and not my personal problems, but I've discovered that one can greatly effect the other. And while I won't go too deeply into what's been bothering me, because that would be long and boring and have me come across as a complainer. But I will talk about how I've felt this week.

As some of you might know, I have been diagnosed with Bipolar-Depression. It means I have lengths in which I feel depressed and days where I can feel manic or overstimulated. I've been controlling this with medication and mindfulness exercises. And for a while, I've been getting better. But when a relapse hits you hard, it makes everything so much worse. You KNOW you're depressed and you KNOW you're being manic. You know you're behavior is not good and it feels like you're inside a cage, trying to behave properly but not knowing how cause you forgot everything. It sucks the big one through a tiny straw.

So now I feel a lot better about myself and how I think today, but I still worry about what I'm going to do when that happens again? Where do I go? Who can I turn to? What will I write in those days? I've been editing for sure and started some projects this week, but I'd write a page and give up. It sucked. But I'm getting better now. I can feel it.

So now I have to make promises again. I got to start small by getting some of the things out of the way. Exercise sounds like a good one. I can do that. And yoga. Stop the relapses from coming back. I think that's what I'm going to do.

Thank you to everyone who's helped me so far and good luck.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Writing, sickness and depression

I've always had a big rule. Never write when I'm depressed or sick. Despite this rule, I always, ALWAYS break it. I just love writing that much, but honestly I don't like what I write when I'm depressed.

So I'm depressed for the fourth day in a row, so yay. But I promised to write in here every other day. And since I didn't write then, I'll write now, because the chances of me not writing in the blog ever again if I don't is actually pretty high. It's how it works.

I'm not sure how many times I've started writing this blog post about this subject. About being in a rut and being depressed and not being able to write. Probably a dozen times. Some of the times I've tried to be analytical, sometimes I'm just complaining, and now it seems I'm just stating it. I'm in a rut, I'm depressed and I'm not sure if I'm able to write. Well, that's not completely true. I've been writing as I always have been, and I write down little notes, but that's nothing new or exciting.

But I will tell you something that is. I'm starting to get my work together for publication! Hooray! I wrote seven short stories last year, making it a grand total of eight short stories all together. I've been giving them around to people to read and hopefully edit and criticize. Hooray!

And so that's all I have today. I've written in my blog, now it's time to eat and sleep.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson