I've always had a big rule. Never write when I'm depressed or sick. Despite this rule, I always, ALWAYS break it. I just love writing that much, but honestly I don't like what I write when I'm depressed.
So I'm depressed for the fourth day in a row, so yay. But I promised to write in here every other day. And since I didn't write then, I'll write now, because the chances of me not writing in the blog ever again if I don't is actually pretty high. It's how it works.
I'm not sure how many times I've started writing this blog post about this subject. About being in a rut and being depressed and not being able to write. Probably a dozen times. Some of the times I've tried to be analytical, sometimes I'm just complaining, and now it seems I'm just stating it. I'm in a rut, I'm depressed and I'm not sure if I'm able to write. Well, that's not completely true. I've been writing as I always have been, and I write down little notes, but that's nothing new or exciting.
But I will tell you something that is. I'm starting to get my work together for publication! Hooray! I wrote seven short stories last year, making it a grand total of eight short stories all together. I've been giving them around to people to read and hopefully edit and criticize. Hooray!
And so that's all I have today. I've written in my blog, now it's time to eat and sleep.
Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson
Sorry, I've been so slow. I will get to more critiques for you soon. I'll have some for you soon as well if you don't mind helping a poor girl out.