Well, that was mostly painless. Its remarkable what pizza, taking my pills and a good night's sleep can accomplish.
Well, Chapter 9's first draft is finished, slightly larger than most but no where close to being the length of Chapter 7. Speaking about length, I've calculated that, being roughly an average of 1200 words a chapter, I'm just over my 10,000 word mark in my book. And, I'm guessing I'm two thirds of the way done in my book. Not exactly a NaNoWriMo candidate, but it is my book and it will run its own course. Besides, editing will add to it more than it will subtract as I rewrite and everything.
Also, I've been planning out my next book. Last night, while falling asleep, I've been writing up a working plot outline, trying to remember where I put my notes and figuring out some more dialogue for yet another book. It's probably a bad idea to be thinking about the next book before you finish the one you're working on, but if this continues, I might have two books first drafts by the summer. Of course, there are other things I want to do with my time, such as finish A Glimpse Through the Curtains and publish it into a book. But for now, I want to finish this book I'm currently working on.
Chapter 10 I have a couple of ideas for, but like Kirstin said, just write it. The story is up here somewhere, I just need to get it down somehow. I'm looking forward to some of the scenes that are coming up. At least those I have a plan for.
Anyway, I should get back to it. Thank you everyone and I'll keep you updated.
Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson
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