Monday, February 21, 2011

Chapter 11 and 12: I'm sick

I've missed a day of writing. I took a break to go home and spend some time with family, especially my lovely sister who I love and miss so much.

I seriously don't know what's up with keyboards today. Is it something that's happened within the last three years since I bought my computer, because I can't find any keyboard recently that I've enjoyed working with as much as my own. I know it's a matter of getting used to the set up, how far apart the keys are, but I generally dislike using other people's keyboards. The flow isn't the same. With other keyboards I have to constantly look down to see why I'm hitting the caps lock or whatever new key they've designed to put in my way. I guess it can't be helped. My computer continually makes such lovely noises that makes me wonder just how much longer she is going to live. I think my next computer is going to me a small laptop, one that's going to be devoted to my writing. That way I can get used to its keyboard and not have to worry about putting my work onto others and fight with theirs.

Okay, angry rant over. I'm frightened that I'm losing the flow that I've gained over the week. I'm feeling sick and congested, I'm can't seem to find the right temperature to be at and I ache all over. I'm pretty sure I'm going to wake up to discover I have a cold. Yay, this is lovely, I'm being a complete baby. This isn't what I wanted when I said I want to suffer for my art. In fact, I didn't say I want to suffer for my art. Poopy. Blarge.

So, chapter 11 and 12. Chapter 11 is the shortest on record so far, just over 800 words. It's a mental breakdown scene and honestly I feel I should do more with it. So I will. Later. Chapter 12 is more of a reflective scene and I'll have to meditate on it. Generally, I feel it's missing something, a certain spark or realization. Unfortunately, if I move on from this, complete the book and come back to figure out the revelation is something completely different, I'm going to have to do major rewrites throughout the ending. Wait, at this point that could happen even in the first chapter.... why did I want to to be a writer again? Oh, that's right. I love it!

Seriously, if I could figure out how to get paid to do this and live comfortably, I would jump on this career in an instant. I really like writing. I like the flow and I like the feeling when you get a good story going. Of course, whenever I go out and have fun in the middle of writing, I'm probably going to bitch about how my flow has been severed, but that'll be temporary. I say that every time I stop to play Mass Effect for a couple of hours. Even doing that I was still able to write 12 chapters of this book in ten days. I'm pretty sure I'm just going to get up tomorrow and write the rest of chapter 13, a page done by the way, and then play more Mass Effect and then write chapter 14. And then 15, 16 and how many other chapters this book might have. Thinking about it now... probably this book is going to have about 15 to 18 chapters. So I might have a first draft by end of the week.

Anyway, congratulations if you read through all of my rant. I love you all! Update you soon.

Peace and blessings
Eric Rawlinson

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