Thursday, January 6, 2011


Simple ideas: What should I strive for in the coming year as a writer? So just randomly brainstorming, here's a list of goals I want to work towards:

Things I want to do this year:
Continue writing in the blog at least every other day
Get a following
Get published
Take a course in writing

Things I want to do eventually:
Write a novel
Write a film script
Write a comic book series.
Write for a webcomic
Become rich and famous (Roberts said it's important to believe it, so I shall)

Now I want to talk about some of my goals. I've never noticed how much I needed this blog until I started writing it. Sure, I want to make YouTube videos, and I've made quite a few scripts in my head that I obsess over. But with this blog, I'm a little more in my element, just writing. Sure, I'll start YouTubing again at some point. But for now I'll stick with this. Communicating with the spoken word, where every mistake is just a backspace away. I've also started to put the every other day rule on. When you want to continue to do something, it's good to be consistent.

Getting a following on the blog may be more of a challenge, since I know I'm being read by more than just the people in my following list. I'm not sure how to say, HEY EVERYONE! GET EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO READ MY BLOG! Hmm, maybe I do it just like that....

Getting published. I'm not sure what I'm looking forward to more: getting published or getting rejected. All of my writer friends have been rejected by now, and so many famous writers have said how many times they've been rejected until finally someone believed in them. I'm kind of actually looking forward to someone saying 'you suck'. Sure, it'll be heartbreaking, but this isn't getting into university. I know plenty of people who said my work is good, so my ego could take a bit of a hit. Still, I'd love to get printed. I still haven't heard from the writing contest, but looking at past winners, I'm not sure my material is what they're looking for. Still, never hurts.

Taking a writing course. There is a nice one at Humber College, that's just taught by a writer and its basically a glorified writing circle that costs half a grand. Still, it'll be nice to hear the experiences and opinions of a published writer and interact with a group of individuals who share my talents. Even if I go and learn that they're all just prudes and snobs (which I doubt as much as I believe), it'll be an experience none the less. There are some things I would definitely like to learn. One of them is how to write scripts. Scripts for comic books and scripts for films.

Writing a web comic or comic book series. So, I've got a lot of ideas for web comics, mainly video game satire and semi-autobiographical material. The question becomes if I can find an artist willing to take my poor excuses for scripts and actually make it. Or if I can make poor excuses for scripts to begin with. You never know

So those are some of my goals. Have a few things to think about. In the mean time, I'm going to keep writing. Peace and blessings.

Eric Rawlinson

1 comment:

  1. I think I'd much rather be more excited about getting published. But half rejections are amazing--- the ones where agents actually ask to read your whole novel even if they do reject it in the end. It's a total: YAY I don't completely suck! Something about my story made you want to read the WHOLE THING!!!
